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  • Lead News

The UK general election is today

  • International
  • Lead News
  • 04 July, 2024 10:19:54

Photo: Collected

International Desk: Voters are waiting to vote in the UK General Election. Voting starts today (Thursday) from 7 am local time. General elections are going to be held in July for the first time since 1945 in the UK.

Voting will continue till 10 pm. BBC news. Millions of voters will vote at polling stations set up in buildings such as local schools and community halls. About 4.6 million voters will elect 650 members of Parliament of the House of Commons.  The results of each area or constituency will be declared between Thursday night and Friday morning.

More than half of the seats i.e. 326 seats must be won to form the government after getting majority. This time 4 thousand 515 candidates are participating in the election. About 34 British citizens of Bangladeshi origin from various parties are fighting as candidates in this election. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for elections in May.

Anyone who is a registered voter or a British citizen or an eligible citizen of the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland who is 18 years of age or over can vote.  Almost two million British citizens who have lived abroad for more than 15 years were able to register to vote after a change in the law in 2022.

This is the first general election where voters in England, Wales and Scotland will be required to show photo ID to vote in person.  22 ID cards including Passport, Driving Licence, Elderly or Disabled Person Bus Pass and Vester 60 Plus Card will be accepted in this case.  Since 2003 Northern Ireland has had 9 valid ID cards that voters must show to vote.

People who have lost their ID in England, Scotland and Wales can cast an emergency proxy vote through another registered voter.

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