• Health

Sunflower seeds will control various diseases of the body

  • Health
  • 31 March, 2021 16:07:11

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News Desk: Sunflower seeds are eaten differently by different indigenous and ethnic groups in America. They also eat these seeds raw or fried as a snack. Besides, they use this seed flour to make various sweets or cereals. Sunflower seeds are also used to make butter as an alternative to peanut butter.

Sweet almond sunflower seeds have lots of healthy ingredients. Such as minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Sunflower seeds cure various diseases of the body and protect the body in many ways. In addition to vitamins C and E, it contains essential minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and iron. These nutrients keep our bones, tissues, and other important organs of the body healthy. In addition to preventing cancer, it also helps control diabetes. Let's take a look at its other benefits-

1. This seed works very well for heart disease. It contains good cholesterol. Sunflower seeds contain a high percentage of linoleic acid, which helps in lowering total cholesterol as well as LDL levels. Also, the seeds contain oleic acid. Which lowers triglycerides. Increased triglycerides usually cause cardiac problems.

2. Sunflower seeds control diabetes. High blood sugar levels usually damage vital organs, including blood vessels, and affect the heart, kidneys, nerves, and vision. Sunflower seeds are low in the glycemic index but also contain chlorogenic acid. Which regulates blood sugar levels.

3. These seeds have anti-inflammatory ingredients. This prevents pain and swelling due to acute injury or infection. Chronic inflammation can damage vital cells and tissues. Sunflower seeds contain vitamin E and phenolic compounds like flavonoids. Both of these ingredients have anti-oxidant properties. Which helps reduce inflammation.

4. This seed heals various wounds. In a study conducted on male lambs, sunflower seeds helped heal wounds. These seeds contain linoleic acid. Which helps in wound healing.

5. Sunflower seeds are especially good for bone health. The magnesium and calcium in it keep the bones strong and healthy.

6. These seeds have anti-aging properties. Which does not leave the impression of age on the skin. Vitamin E and beta carotene in it brightens the skin and prevents sand lines.

7. Sunflower seeds contain vitamin B-6, which supplies oxygen to the scalp, prevents hair loss, and helps to grow healthy new hair. It also contains copper which retains the normal color of the hair.

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