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  • Lead News

Mass clashes in Argentina's capital over budget reforms

  • International
  • Lead News
  • 13 June, 2024 11:33:00

Photo: Collected

International Desk: Massive clashes in Argentina's capital over reforms related to budget cuts. Protesters gathered in front of the Senate, the upper chamber of the parliament, in the capital, Buenos Aires, on Wednesday (June 12) night.

At that time, water cannons and tear gas were used to remove them.  But despite the protests, the country's lawmakers approved the budget-cutting reforms. The protesters claimed that millions of Argentines would be affected by the reforms. Protesters threw petrol bombs and stones to block approval of the reforms.

They also set two cars on fire.  Several people were injured in the clashes between the protesters and the police. Local media compared the protest to a 'battlefield'. Argentina's right-wing president, Javier Millay, proposed the reform.

He basically wants to wake up the fragile economy of the country through this. The reforms would impose a state of economic emergency in Argentina, slashing public pensions and labor rights.  The country's opposition, labor organizations and social organizations have opposed President Miley's reform proposal.

The budget-cutting reform was stalled by a 36-36 vote in Argentina's Senate. But Vice President Victoria Villarreal exercised her right to vote and approved the proposal. "For those Argentines who are going through problems, those who are waiting and those who don't want their children to leave the country... my vote is yes," he said before voting.

This proposed reform of Section 328 will now be reviewed line by line. It will then be given final approval on Thursday. At the end of this stage, the proposal will go to the lower house of parliament and become law there.

The proposal was first passed in the lower house of parliament last April. But before that many changes were made to it. By becoming president in 2023, he said with power that he will run a saw on government spending. And he has taken such an initiative as a part of running the saw.

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