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  • Lead News

Attack on parliament building in Kenya, 13 killed by police

  • International
  • Lead News
  • 26 June, 2024 09:49:07

Photo: Collected

International Desk: Massive protests have started in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, against the passage of a new financial proposal. At least 13 people have been killed in police firing in the clashes that started on Tuesday (June 25).

The head of the Kenya Medical Association confirmed this information to Al-Jazeera, a Qatar-based media outlet. He added that Nairobi's two government hospitals were overwhelmed by casualties.

Meanwhile, the MPs took the ambulances to a safe place. As a result, some ambulances were attacked by the protestors. Apart from the capital Nairobi, there were protests and clashes in several other cities of the country.  Meanwhile, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has expressed deep concern over the violence and arbitrary detention.

His spokesman Stephen Dujarric said the UN Secretary-General was also deeply saddened by the casualties in the protests. We are also concerned about cases of arbitrary detention. 

He said it is very important to uphold people's right to protest peacefully. Authorities must ensure that all deaths at the hands of security forces are fully and fairly investigated. Guterres called on Kenyan police and authorities and security forces to exercise restraint and allow protesters to act peacefully. Meanwhile, protests are taking place not only in the capital Nairobi, but across the country against the new proposal. Because the tax has been increased through this proposal.

Although some amendments were made to the proposal last week, the general public in Kenya wants it scrapped.  In such a situation, Kenyan President William Ruto has ordered the country's military to prevent any attempt to undermine security and stability. He also termed this protest as 'betrayal'.

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