• Health

Sleep builds the body's resistance to disease

  • Health
  • 22 October, 2020 15:44:40

Photo: Collected

News Desk: Eating right, exercising regularly as well as getting enough sleep is equally important for our well-being. If sleep is not good, our brain does not work properly. Then no work can be done well. Experts say that it is important for an adult to get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. When we sleep well, our body builds immunity. Meanwhile, the main barrier to virus transmission is immunity. The better the body's resistance to this disease, the more it can fight the disease. So if you sleep well, it will be possible to fight against all types of infections including corona. Sleep satisfies the highest physical needs of our body. Cytotoxic is released during sleep.

Which helps prevent infection in the body. And as a result, our bodies produce cytokines, which control our anxiety. Resulting in better sleep. So make sure you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. The result will be + ___. Cytokines are also produced during sleep. Which keeps our stress, anxiety low. The only way to get rid of the infection is to sleep well. Besides, all kinds of hygiene rules have to be followed. People who have problems with sugar, pressure, hypertension, etc. can be infected very easily. It can also happen to those who go out every day but do not follow any rules. If you come in contact with an infected person in any way, you too can be infected with this virus.

However, even after all this, you should always wash your hands well and wear a mask. Follow all these rules. Since sleep deprivation leads to other problems such as mood swings, colds and other physical ailments, it is very important for all ages to have a good night's sleep. Be careful not to overdo it. Too much sleep is not good. Excessive sleep can lead to physical problems like obesity, diabetes, headaches, etc., the body's metabolism is not right. The body may deteriorate. There may be problems like thyroid. In addition, various heart disorders, depression can be. There may even be amnesia.

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