• Enterprenure

Anjuman Mehjabin’s response to Social Media Criticism Over relief efforts

  • Enterprenure
  • 08 September, 2024 21:39:54

Photo: CNI

News Desk: Anjuman Mehjabin, a renowned content creator and a well-known personality across various social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, has garnered millions of followers due to her creative content and engaging presence.

Her influence, particularly among the youth in Bangladesh, has made her a familiar face in the country's digital space.

Recently, Anjuman Mehjabin visited flood-affected areas in Bangladesh to distribute relief materials. She shared videos of these humanitarian efforts on her social media accounts, aiming to raise awareness and encourage others to contribute. However, instead of receiving widespread praise, she faced backlash from some netizens who accused her of "showing off" rather than genuinely helping those in need.

In response to this criticism, Anjuman Mehjabin did not remain silent. She addressed the negative comments in a thoughtful and composed post, clarifying her intentions and defending her actions.

She stated, “Undoubtedly, giving charity in secret is a highly commendable act. I firmly believe that Allah values such acts immensely. However, I also believe that public charity is not a sin. In fact, if a good deed is done and it inspires others to do the same, the impact of that good deed becomes even greater.”

Mehjabin expressed her disappointment with those who questioned her motives, saying, “It saddens me when I see people finding negativity even in the good deeds I try to do. Some believe that I’m doing all this just for show. To them, I say, none of us are perfect. My teacher once told me, ‘You have to beat your own drum because no one else will do it for you.’ So yes, I do things openly. I’m not harming anyone; rather, I’m helping people.”

She also voiced her frustration over the nature of some people, adding, “Some individuals have a habit of always looking for faults in others’ good deeds. They never manage to move forward themselves and spend their time criticizing those who do. May Allah grant us the wisdom to understand what’s right and give us the ability to do good deeds.”

Anjuman Mehjabin extended her gratitude to those who have supported her throughout her journey and efforts, saying, “To everyone who has supported me, I am deeply grateful. But to those who have made negative comments and mocked my work, I pray that Allah guides them.”

Her candid and direct response to the criticism has sparked widespread discussion on social media. Many have lauded her for taking a stand and for the courage to address the negativity that often accompanies charitable work in the public eye.

In a time where social media criticism can easily discourage public figures from pursuing their humanitarian efforts, Anjuman Mehjabin’s response sets a powerful example of resilience. Her statement highlights the importance of staying true to one’s intentions, regardless of the external judgments that may follow.

As online platforms continue to play a significant role in shaping public perception, her message serves as a reminder that the value of good deeds should not be diminished by unnecessary negativity.

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