• National

Speaker departs Dhaka to participate in Women Speakers Summit

  • National
  • 06 March, 2024 23:31:30

Photo: CNI

Own Correspondent: The Speaker of the National Parliament of Bangladesh Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury MP left Dhaka for France on March 06 (Wednesday) at 1.00 pm. 

Additional Secretary of the National Parliament Secretariat M. to participate in the conference. A Kamal Billah and Sergeant at Arms Sabbir Ahmed Khan left Dhaka for France. Speaker's spouse Syed Ishtiaq Hossain accompanied the Speaker at his own expense. It should be noted that after the visit to France, the Speaker and his entourage will participate in the 'Commonwealth 75 Special Celebration' conference organized by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in London on March 10-12, 2024.

After the tour, the Speaker will return to the country on March 15, 2024.

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