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Voting is going on in Pakistan, mobile services are down

  • International
  • Lead News
  • 08 February, 2024 10:59:21

Photo: Collected

International Desk: Voting for national elections is underway in Pakistan. Voting has started today from 8 am local time. It will run continuously till 5 pm. Dawn's news.

Meanwhile, mobile services have been suspended across Pakistan in view of the vote. The decision was taken due to the increasing violence and deteriorating security situation, the country's interior ministry said. In a statement, the ministry said, the recent increase in terrorist activities and loss of life has raised concerns about the country's security situation.

And for this reason there is a need to take measures to protect against security threats. The National Assembly of Pakistan consists of 336 seats. Direct voting will be held in 266 seats. 70 reserved seats. 10 of these seats are for non-Muslims. The reserved seats are allocated based on the acceptance of each party in the polls.

The number of voters in Pakistan, a Muslim majority country, is 12.8 million. 167 registered teams. There are 5 thousand 121 candidates in the National Assembly. Apart from this, provincial elections are also being held in four provinces. 12 thousand 695 candidates. Candidates who win the polls from various parties will be elected as members of the National Assembly.

Independent candidates have the opportunity to join any party. Parliamentary polls will be held for the election of the Prime Minister after the formation of the National Assembly. At least 169 MPs need to get the support of the Prime Minister. The new prime minister will choose the ministers who will form the five-year central government.

At the provincial level, the same process will be followed to form the Chief Minister and Provincial Government. Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) is ahead in this election race. Three-time former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has returned to the party from four years of self-imposed exile. According to local Pakistani media reports, Nawaz's party is supported by the influential army.

On the other hand, the leaders of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), which formed the government in the last election, are running as independent candidates this time. The party's symbol, the bat, was canceled last December due to election irregularities. Meanwhile, party chairman Imran Khan is in jail in various cases. This past prime minister has been banned from politics for 10 years.

However, in the meantime, Imran Khan not only participated in the election, but also participated in the election campaign. In this crisis, Imran's party PTI chose a different way of campaigning. The party has carried out an unconventional campaign using technology in a guerilla style.

Since Imran Khan was not able to directly participate in the rallies, he is in prison, so Imran Khan campaigned with the help of artificial intelligence technology. And a Chicago-based team has led this campaign on behalf of PTI on social media.

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is in discussion. Last year PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari became the youngest foreign minister in the history of Pakistan. Experts believe that Bilawal will be the kingmaker if the coalition government is formed. Expectations of ordinary voters, establishment of democracy without military intervention, reduction of unemployment and control of commodity prices.

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