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Closing the Curtain on ‘Edge of Hope’: A Week-Long Refugee Photography Exhibition Ends on a High Note

  • National
  • Lead News
  • 28 June, 2024 12:28:11

Photo: CNI

News Desk: The week-long photography exhibition "Edge of Hope"organized by Amal Foundation, concluded successfully on Thursday evening at the British Council premises. This flagship event, held in observance of World Refugee Day 2024, showcased a collection of powerful images that highlight the resilience and strength of Rohingya and climate refugees in Bangladesh.

For the past seven days, the photographs captured by celebrated photographer duo Jim McFarlane & Anthony Daw tonwe reexhibited, offering aglimpse into displaced communities lives and emphasizing their enduring hope despite the challenges they face.

The exhibition also featured a variety of activities aimed at helping people better understand the refugee experience which includes workshops, panel discussions, and competitions, all of which created opportunities for conversation and learning. These events highlighted the importance of speaking up and taking action to support displaced communities.

His Excellency Abdulmutalib Suliman Mohammed Suliman, Ambassador of The State of Libya in Bangladesh graced the event as the Chief Guest. He appreciated the initiative and stated “Iamhonored to bea part of this event and would liketo givemyheartfelt gratitudeto the photographers JimMac Farlaneand Anthony Dawton. Iwouldalsoliketogivemygracious remarks to Ama lFoundation for inviting me to this event andfor giving me the opportunity to be a part of this event”
Nick McLean, First Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs at the Australian High Commission, expressedin his statement that “Ilookverymuch forward to seeing some of the work by these esteemed photographers.

As we commemorate refugee day we should address many other crises that is going on in there. Which is why it is very important to tell these stories to these displaced communities, especially in the international field. We should all be able to work together with Bangladesh sothatwe can give these refugees of Rohingya asustainablereturn totheirhomes”. Distinguished guestsin clude drepresentatives from various publican dprivate organizations, universities, and media houses, who praised the exhibition's goal to promote positivity.

Amal Foundation highlighted the stories of vulnerable communities through this impactful exhibition, earning recognition and appreciation from attendees. The Foundation restated its commitment to supporting displaced and marginalized groups and expressed gratitude to all partners, donors, and participants for their contributions to the event's success.

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